I have many photographer friends. It sometimes makes me wonder if it’s an occupational hazard that they seem to have to sleep with everyone and everything. Or is it only this professional image they are compelled to maintain?
One of them likes to share the stories of his conquests with me. Perhaps he is just hoping I would finally come to my senses and realize what I have missed. However it only serves to further terrify me. Just imagine a walking encyclopedia of STDs!
So what makes a photographer seem irresistible to a girl? Surely it’s not the size of his camera or wallet. I know many people consider their job glamorous. But if you know what I know, well, let’s just say it’s not pretty at all.
Of course a girl feels flattered when a photographer approaches her and wants to take pictures of her. Not any other girls there, but just her. Ha, if only she knew how many girls before her had fallen into the same trap!
Wait, where are you going now? To the nearest shop to buy the biggest camera you can find??