Victor, an engineer working at a TV station in New Zealand, found me next. He came to Tokyo on holiday. He stayed with his ex-girlfriend who is now a mistress of a married Japanese man. So some nights Victor had to go and stay at a hotel.
We had lunch once, and I quickly realized he was just into some serious holiday fun. So I wished him a good time in Tokyo.
But we ran into each other later in Omotesando, when I was window-shopping, in my black suede high-heel boots, which are clearly made for many exciting purposes other than walking. And guess what, Victor was with 2 girls, and neither of them his ex. A man with options, apparently.
I also met John at that website. He is a well-known voice actor here.
John is from Canada, but has been here for a long long time. He usually dates models and actresses, but his last girlfriend is a surgeon.
He freaked me out. I am not joking. I don’t get scared easily, but he is such a creep.
He chased me for more than 2 months before I finally agreed to meet him. When we met, he was wearing a tight black tank-top, a pair of tight black jeans, and a thick gold chain around his neck.
I suppose some people never have problems showing how desperate they are.
Look, I know I can pull it off, easily, in a tight black tank-top and a tight black mini-skirt, but seriously, I will never consider a thick gold necklace!
And he is the only man I’ve ever met who paid his lunch with a Gold American Express card, while me paying my own lunch with cash.
Oh wait, I’m saving the best till last. He later confessed, after my rather persistent probing, that he is 64 years old!