Gerry is the second phase of my quest for love.
I didn’t even remember him at the speed dating when we first met, except that he has lived in one of the cities I have also lived in long time ago. He is a diplomat from a small country in Europe, just arrived in Tokyo, in the process of a bitter divorce, leaving his wife with a 2-year-old daughter back at home, tall, handsome, very polite --- you see, I should have known better!
Gerry is one of my 4 matches, although among them I only met 2. The other one is an American voice actor called Ed, a rare gentleman here in Tokyo. At our first date he sweetly informed me that he was on a natural high. To be honest, I’ve seen many men in the same state when they are with me. They can’t stop smiling, they walk with a bounce, they keep blushing, they try not to stare too much, and they are happy! Oh and me? I am just glad I can make people happy!
But Ed simply can’t compete with Gerry.
Gerry and I had our first date on a very humid, hot summer day. Oh for God’s sake, I can’t believe I can still remember everything from that day.
We went to a dingy Chinese restaurant in the station building. He was wearing sunglasses, immaculately groomed and accessorized. I was flattered, rather than scared, as I should have been, when he described, in great detail, how I dressed at the speed dating, down to my silver eye shadow and gold high-heel sandals.
You see, for him, appearance is everything. That’s why he spends more time on grooming than me (although it doesn't require much effort, since I only need 3 minutes…) And he wants a hot babe too.
At that time I was so impressed with his being able to wear Zara like Armani, although now I feel Mark’s ability to make Gucci into Gap is far more endearing.
Later I leaned Gerry’s favorite magazine is Vogue, and he knows all the famous brands, the differences between stockings and tights, how to apply top coat of the nail polish, and all there is to know about ladies’ shoes.
God, was I that shallow and blind then??? In my defense though, during our lunch he also demonstrated his analytical side by listing up all the criteria of the woman he was looking for. Obviously he had given it a very serious thought…
He wanted someone beautiful but also modest, intelligent but not selfish, independent but not ambitious, honest but sophisticated, mature but not cynical, rational rather than emotional, etc, etc.
You have to admit it’s a good list!
And he thinks I’ve got it all, that I am prefect.
Ironically though, I absolutely hate men saying that. First of all, I’m far from prefect, and second, it also implies they’ve given up on me, because I’m too perfect for them to reach. I sometimes think maybe I just need a very confident caveman! And anyway, what would I want to be perfect for everyone? All I want is to be special for someone, only one.
Gerry also claimed that his dream is to help people and his ambition is to work for EU one day.
In short, he looks like a movie star and talks like a professor.
Well, what a show he put on for me that day!
Later I found out he never means what he says, and he seldom says what he means, just like a diplomat!